Life Experience Degree Programs From Online Accredited Universities


Get Your College Degree from an Accredited University Legally in Just Few Days from Now

A 100% Legal way to Get an Associate, Bachelors, Masters Degree or Ph.D - if you have Work Experience and on the Job Training.

If you're looking for a FAKE DEGREE, FAKE Diploma or FAKE Transcripts from a DIPLOMA MILL... please LEAVE This Site Immediately!

  • Are you struggling to get a good paying job... because you don't have a college degree... and other job candidates (who are less qualified than you) seem to YANK the good jobs right out of your hands?
  • Have you hit the "glass ceiling" at your job... because you don't have a Bachelor, Masters or Doctorate Degree to MOVE UP HIGHER IN THE RANKS at your job... (and you're stuck with low-paying income for the next 5, 10 or 15 years of your life)?
  • Are you too busy to get your college degree... because you're busy paying bills, working a 9 to 5, providing for your precious family?
  • Do you feel isolated, stuck, inadequate with your life's progress... because people your friends and family have degrees... but you don't... and there's nothing you can do about it - because you're too old to learn all the "new stuff"?
  • Have you reached a point in life where you know in the bottom of your heart you could live a better life, earn more money, be more successful if people would just "give you a chance" - WITHOUT a degree?

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions... then the facts below may save you from spending the rest of your life in an emotional prison. Because these facts below will help you get a legal, certified DEGREE - in few days or less - as if you spent 4, 8 or even 10 years in a traditional university.

FINALLY you can get a real life, 100% accredited DEGREE in YOUR field of expertise and get the job of your dreams... and change your life forever. And best of all... your accredited degree will be recognized by Hiring managers, employers, managers, friends, families and schools all around the world. If you have the experience... we can get you a degree just few days from today.

Dear Friends,

You can't do ANYTHING without a college degree. It's a well known fact that people with a college degree demand more respect and get better job opportunities. In fact... According to the National Center for Education Statistics "individuals with a bachelor's degree earned more than twice as much as those without a high school diploma... and 25 percent more than young adults with an associate's degree"

But there are plenty of people (all over the world) who are too old to return to school... can't afford high priced tuition... but have years of experience on the job. They struggle to provide for their families. They don't have a degree... but they work just as hard as the next guy.

They've been at their job for 2, 4, and even 10 years... working endlessly. But they can't seem to get a raise, get a better paying job or get hired at a new place. All because they don't have a degree. Unfortunately, these people (you may be one of them) don't know about the LEGAL METHOD to get a college degree - without going to college.

You're probably thinking "Yeah right!" If there was a real way to get a college degree in few days - NOBODY would go to college. Don't worry. You wouldn't be the first person to have this thought. If you'll give me just a few minutes, I'll give you the facts you need to decide if getting this type of degree is the choice for you.

If you're ready to improve your life with a degree from an accredited college or university, then I highly suggest for you to read this letter twice. Here's why

What 99 out of 100 Job Candidates Don't Know about College Degrees

I'll show you a proven, legal method to convert your work experience, on the job training, and life achievements into college credit. Without ever stepping foot onto a college campus or even taking a single test.

When you go through this simple process - that requires nothing but a few minutes of your time - you'll receive a university degree from an accredited university. Regardless of where you live, regardless of what job industry you're in, you can qualify for an accredited college degree within few days, by an authorized and recognized institute of education.

But not so fast. There are a few things you need to know before you get excited. But there's a reason why you'll never hear about this "college degree" program. There are many illegal services (diploma mills) that issue degrees from unaccredited schools or schools that don't even exist. Present one of these degrees to an employer or another university and you risk going to jail.

The degrees that we offer - are called "life experience" degrees. It's a REAL degree from a REAL college that gets you REAL credits and REAL credibility. You can hang it on your wall, present it to employers and use it on job applications.

You probably won't brag about it to all your friends. But I guarantee at least 2 or 3 of your friends will BEG YOU to tell them how you get this degree. Simply because they won't be able to handle feeling unqualified and uneducated when they're around you. Simply because they just can't understand how you could get a DEGREE without going to college. You might not understand either. And that's okay

If you're like most people who take our program, you'll probably wonder... "if this is true, then why do people even bother going to college?" The answer is that most people don't know about this legal loophole. Millions of people don't know about this legal loophole.

Since the education explosion online, some Private Colleges and Universities found they were unable to compete with the richer state-funded schools who afford massive online advertising campaigns.

These Private Colleges and Universities are prepared to award YOU, a genuine, registered, verifiable and accredited degree in return for a small donation. In other words, you can get a real COLLEGE DEGREE (from a private college) in exchange for a small fee.

You're probably thinking...

"if anybody can pay a fee and get a degree, it's probably NOT worth it!"

You're right! It wouldn't be worth the paper it's printed on. That's why these private universities REQUIRE you to earn your college degree. Which makes it valuable and honorable.

Don't worry. It's easier than you think. I'll explain the simple 3 step process in a minute. Anybody can do it. It doesn't matter whether you're 21 years old and live in Alabama or 65 and live in Boston, Massachusetts or London.

As long as you have experience or on the job training and can answer a few questions, there's a 99% chance you'll be approved. And you'll know within 24 hours. So even if you filled out a job application today, you would know within 24 hours whether or not the private college will grant you a degree. This is important! Because the last thing you want to do is RUIN YOUR FUTURE by using a FAKE DEGREE!

Fortunately, we've been a leading provider of life experience degrees. You've probably never heard of the private Universities and Colleges we work with. Your friends and family are only used to hearing of major universities like Duke, Harvard, Yale, Berkley, NYU and local State College - but employers are familiar with these private universities.

And since 2001... we've served as an intermediary between people like YOU and the College or University. As long as you have work experience, job training, or verifiable facts... we can help you get a DEGREE.

Our service provides privately accredited college & university degrees (online accredited degrees, online university degree, ph.d degree) that are 100% legal and 100% verifiable. Although these degrees are obtained through the exploitation of legal loopholes. They're just as valuable as your traditional, standard degree.

Our service acts as a confidential intermediary between YOU and the College or University. All the colleges and universities we represent are legally allowed to award degrees at their discretion. Having a college degree will finally be possible for you...


With our program, you'll be able to convert what you already know into an authentic college degree and powerful qualifications without even taking a single class. We represent universities that grant degrees based on life experience, work history, military experience or previous college credits, courses or a combination of the above.

The institutes we work with are professional, affordable, fast and confidential, and all are accepted worldwide. All degrees granted are verifiable and may be notarized or apostille.

Just think, in just few days from now, you could have Life Experience Degrees on:


  • Associate Degree


  • Bachelor's Degree


  • Masters Degree


  • Doctorate Degree


  • MBA Degree


  • Professorship


  • PhD Degree


  • Research Fellowship


  • Postdoctoral Fellowship


  • Postgraduate Fellowship

You'll have a degree in your hands in five days flat from a recognizable college or university that will verify your diploma

  • Even if, you've never been a scholarly person

  • Even if, you've been told that the only way you can get a degree without going on campus is by enrolling in online classes

  • Even if, you don't have the discipline to study, discipline to attend class or discipline to take tests

  • Even if, you've attended college but didn't finish... didn't have enough credits... and dropped out!

  • Even if, you've been told that there's no way around taking classes to obtain a degree from an accredited college

Whether you want to upgrade to your current position or pursue a new career, we will help you get your college degree. By applying via this service, you are making a legal declaration that you have sufficient previous Work Experience for the degree you wish to be awarded.

We know that this is exciting news to you, but before we go any further, we want you to know...

Diploma Mill and Fake Degrees are Illegal

Diploma mill often claim accreditation by a fake accrediting agency to attract more students to their degree programs and make them seem more legitimate. Because diploma mills aren't accredited by a nationally recognized agency, you will not find the institution's accrediting agency on the U.S. Department of Education's List of Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies.

Do not allow these agencies and institutions to mislead you; always do your homework on any institution you want to attend. In some states, it can be illegal to use a degree from an institution that is not accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency.

We DO NOT provide FAKE documents. All documents provided by INSTANT DEGREES are issued lawfully via legally registered schools that have the right to award degrees. Remember it isn't enough to know that an institution is accredited; you need to find out as much as you can about the accrediting agency.

Your efforts will be worth your time and energy. For more information, see the section below on Resources and Publications.

How to Get Your College Degree in Just 3 Quick and Easy Steps

Choose the field in which you would like your degree to be in

Certify that you have work experience in the field of your choice to match up with your degree level as shown in the graph below.

Pay a small donation fee and wait for your accredited college degree to arrive in your mail box in five days FLAT!

You're smarter than the average person with no degree and smarter than the so-called academics. You're here because you want the positive social engineering possibilities of a legally granted degree.

These are people who have frittered away years in classrooms absorbing blindly and thoughtlessly second hand information in a theoretical environment completely removed from real life, and for what?

Once your degree is in your hand, you'll:

  • Command higher salary, higher wages and make more money from your job.
  • Qualify for upper-management positions (With your experience... employers will want to place you ahead of other job candidates
  • Get considered for job promotions - bonuses and advances - that normally takes months and years to obtain
  • Have the once piece of paper that will open up a world of opportunities for you and your family
  • Finally get over the hump that has held you back for so long
  • Get your degree without having to take out a huge loan from the government to enter college
  • Have a degree in your chosen field 10 times faster than you would attending school for two, four, six, or even eight years
  • Impress your friends and family with your college credentials and have them wondering how on earth did you ever have time to get a degree
  • Experience all of the advantages that having a college degree brings without having to do any of the hard work to achieve it
  • You'll experience all of this and more once you say yes to... Instant Degrees

Instead of having your resume THROWN IN THE TRASH by potential employers - you'll be able to dazzle future employers with your skills and abilities. Unlike other applicants (who won't get hired because they don't have a degree... and didn't take the chance like YOU did)... you'll be able to get your resume on the top of the stack.

Not only that, you'll be able to command a higher salary and get hired almost instantly! And that's just the beginning... A higher education degree is the key to doing all the things you've been dreaming of all your life.

This is a real opportunity to change your life... forever! Over the next 3 to 6 months your entire life will transform like never before. You'll be called to the front of the line in airports. You'll get free upgrades to first class. You'll sit at the VIP table not too near the band overlooking the river. These are some of the prestigious benefits that await you.

Here is what the Instant Degrees Can Help You to Get...

Your degree will be 100% legal and verifiable.

Earns you a secured upper level job

Gets you a well deserved promotion

Boosts your career potential

An image magnification

How to Get Your College Degree in Just 3 Quick and Easy Steps

There are similar services that claim to provide you with similar results, because there's simply no other college degree service available today that can match or out perform the results you'll receive once you say yes to Instant Degrees!

Other Services:

Can't guarantee you an authentic degree

Are only designed to do half the job they should do to give you the degree you need without ever attending a day of class

Leave you still searching for a fast and easy way to obtain a degree from an accredited college or university

Are too expensive and specialize in issuing phony degree

Instant Degrees:

Guarantees you an authentic degree from an accredited college or university

Is inexpensive and provides you with the results you're seeking

Is like no other college degree service on the market today

Provides you with the one piece of paper that will get your foot in the door to climb the corporate ladder of success

What's Included with your New College Degree

After you've chosen your degree level and certify that you have the years of work experienced outlined, we'll send you a degree approval within 24 hours.

No matter whether you live in Australia, South Asia, Canda, UK or United States... or anywhere else in the world - our service turns your life experience into a legal, verifiable college degree.

Your degree will arrive in the mail within few days after your degree approval. You'll also receive:

  • Legal Registration of the Degree and obtaining the Official Seal. Printing and Shipping worldwide by Registered Express Mail.

  • FREE verification service by the College/University should anybody wish to verify it.

  • Cover letter from the College or University you will have graduated from.

  • A copy of the College or University's official accreditation certificate.

  • A current copy of the College or University's postal prospectus.


In the interests of confidentiality, some elements of this image have
been delibrately blurred for this demo

Only Professionally Printed Diplomas

  • Raised lettering
  • Inlay Seals (NOT «stick on» trash you will find elsewhere)
  • Holographic Security
  • Real Embossed University Crest. NOT «generic» seals

[Click here to see the sample degree certificates!]

Save yourself the time, money and headaches of going through a traditional university. Get your degree within a few days - then start applying to jobs. See how fast you get hired. See how many interview requests you get. See how much money you make then.

Be a proud owner of a degree in your desired field. Boast your degree and enjoy the triumph it brings. And you do it without having to go through an admission process, study, or take any exams

Get Your College Degree Now

You need your college degree. It doesn't matter whether you live in UK or Australia. It's just one of those things that puts you ahead of everyone else. Your degree is one of the most valuable pieces of paper you can ever have. Most people won't even respect you if you don't have one.

That's why people spend $45,000 and 4 years of their life to get a traditional college degree. That's expensive. But worth every penny. Especially in a crowded job market where jobs are scarce and candidates are plenty. Your life experience degree costs a fraction of the price of a traditional 4 year college... but increases your chances of getting hired by more than 60 percent!

Would you rather spend $500 to get your DEGREE ... or would you rather go another 6 months or 12 months without having a degree (like most other job candidates who can't get hired, can't make money and can't find success in the job market)?

Think about it. Even if we charged you $300 for a degree, it would be worth it. You get it in a few days - and it's a real, verifiable degree that is recognized and respected by job employers all over the US and worldwide. Because THIS is a degree from YOUR experience.

Your employer will think highly of you - because you went through the trouble to get one of these degrees. But here's the good news.

You Don't have to Pay $700 or $1000 for your College Degree

For the next few days, we're offering a special promotion to help us gain new testimonials. If you're willing to apply your degree, write us a quick testimonial we can offer you a 100%* discount (100% FREE Application Process) on our normal pricing for a limited period. That means we're offering the following rates:

Associate Degree

Bachelors Degree

Masters Degree

Doctorate/PhD Degree


$399 USD


$399 USD


$419 USD


$459 USD

Remember, this special promotional price is only valid for next couple of days. After that, it's too late! We accept all major credit cards and deliver worldwide. Your application will be processed even if it's 2AM on Sunday morning.

Fortunately, your investment is covered by a 100% money back guarantee. It protects you from legal and monetary risk.


Try Instant Degrees today. Our service is 100% legal, 100% verifiable, 100% legitimate and proven to increase your chances of getting a better job that pays you what you truly deserve. You MUST get approved for your degree within 24 hours or your money back! If for any reason, your degree isn't approved within 24 hours, simply contact us for a full refund and we'll refund your money. No questions asked.

We're 100% confident your degree will give you an edge over the competition. And because we get your degree from the best private, recognized universities - you can rest assured - potential employers will gladly recognize your degree with no hesitation.

Don't risk your career by using a fake-degree from a degree mill. Our guarantee legally binds us and protects you from any and all risk. It's time to make a change. You know it. Your friends know it. Your family knows it. Don't spend another day living below your potential. It's time to get your degree.

Don't put it off any longer. Now that you know there's a real, legal, verifiable way to get a degree - without attending a traditional college - there's no EXCUSE for you to not achieve the success you've been dreaming of.

We're so confident, we give every client a 100% risk-free, money-back guarantee. First-class, personal service. Approval of your Degree within 24hrs or your money back

For less than $500 you can have your degree in the mail in less than a week. You deserve the respect, admiration and prestige. Are you ready to take the next step?

Click the button below and begin the process to get your degree.

You have absolutely nothing to lose. There's a 99% chance you'll get more job opportunities, higher salary offers and more interview requests as a result of having a life-experience degree

Get Your College Degree Now

I urge you to act now while this special introductory promotion is available. Once it's over, these prices could go to $997. I can't do anything about it. You're smart enough to find this website. You're smart enough to have the experience you have. I know you're smart enough to make the right choice. The world is waiting on you

To Your Sucess,

Instant Degrees

P.S. Maybe you've found a way to get rich and famous without a degree. If that's the case, you are very lucky! Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. You represent less than 1% of wealthy individuals who don't have a degree. However...

.. if you don't take this opportunity to get your DEGREE - that gives you more credibility than 90% of other candidates - will you get HIRED within the next 7 to 10 days?

Probably not. You'll get turned down, feel bad about your inability to go back to school... and let some "kid" take a good paying job away from you. And it doesn't have to be that way. This is your opportunity to get ahead.

P.P.S. Don't risk your future (or your survival) on doubt and fear. This may be your last opportunity to get your college degree... without going in debt and going back to school

If you don't get hired, if it doesn't help, if you don't make any progress with your life - after having this degree - you get a full, 100% refund.

Get Your College Degree Now

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Instant Degrees
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