Acquiring Phony Degrees – A Progressive Trend

Phony degrees are the fake university degrees and diplomas one can get by paying just a bunch of money without any effort or attending the classes. Before the mid-80s the phony degrees were very scarce and difficult to find but now internet has changed everything. It is very easy to go on the internet and acquire a phony degree of your own choice. Internet has provided easy access to these phony degrees and by doing so most of the people are attracted towards them. The fake degree culture is nothing new. Students and professionals have been acquiring these degrees for a long time.

It is the nature of person to acquire more money and in doing so one needs a good qualification. If you have a bachelor’s degree you will opt for a master’s degree and if you have a master’s degree you will opt for a PHD degree and so on. But the question is where these fake degrees come into play what are the motivational factors which attract people towards them. Some of the motivational factors are; the lack of effort required in acquiring the degree. You can get the degree very quickly and lastly the most captivating one is the fact that the market is acknowledging this degree as the original one.  For this we have to appreciate the efforts of the degree makers as they are becoming more and more advanced in their field.

If we look at the statistics of the business of acquiring fake degrees we will find that the total earning calculated in this business exceeds 500 million dollars which is enormous sum of money and indicate the fact that people are buying the stories of phony degrees and also getting jobs on the basis of these degrees.

In US there are many universities which are dealing which these fake degrees. The fact is this practice of phony degrees is strictly illegal but no one is caring about it and there is no body for the check and balance purposes who will make sure that these fake degrees are not sold and suggest some legislations for the one who are found dealing in these phony degrees.

The main market of these fake degrees are among the individuals who are looking for the piece of paper and get deceived by the canny advertisements of these degrees which suggest that these are accredited and recognized. There is another class of people who get trapped by these degrees and these are the one looking to deceive the employers. In this way they will get what they want and all they have to do is to spend some money.

Marketing of these fake degrees is also a great art as you have to convince the other person that the degree you are getting will be recognized. For this the advertising people ploy very canny measures.  The rate at which these fake degrees are selling in the market, the time is not far off when very high professionals in every walk of life will be found guilty of acquiring these phony degrees so the need of the hour is put an end to this.

Phony Degrees are everywhere!  Don’t get sucked up in a scam by not doing proper research before buying an instant degree. Alternatively go for this Instant Degree site to solve your problem. Accredited Instant Degrees from us are accepted and recognized worldwide. What are you waiting for Get Your Degree Now!

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