It is time to think about how to use life experience toward college degree programs can help you succeed. Too often, people go straight from living their lives to landing university degrees and advanced degrees. It seems, to me, that this should be the last course of action for someone who is living life to the fullest. In reality, most people who graduate from university are so much more capable of handling the advanced work that they will be getting. Why, then, do they settle for a boring life experience degree?
When I think about how to use life experience toward college degree programs, I think about what I did to prepare myself for college:
I lived a full life. This means that I had family, friends, hobbies, volunteer work, and so on. If these were not present in my life experience, I am at a loss as to how to best prepare myself for university. Life, by definition, is a process of continually building up and learning new experiences along the way. So, if you are not currently living life to the fullest, it is time to do something to prepare yourself for a successful future.
Now, this does not mean that you should change your entire life to get a college degree.
It simply means that, if you have not built up the necessary experiences in your life to meet the requirements for college, it is important to start now. Start with your life experience. The purpose of this life experience is to get you prepared for college level work. While there is nothing wrong with enhancing your life now, eventually you will need more of that which is college-level specific. This will mean supplementing your life with more advanced study courses.
Of course, not all life experience is beneficial.
Some courses require that you spend more time in laboratories. For this reason, it may be a good idea to focus on science instead of life experience in college. However, this should not rule out taking some life experience-based courses, such as psychology. You’ll want to take these seriously so that you can maximize the benefits when you finally do apply for your college degree.
You can choose to use life experience to help you achieve any number of goals that college-level study can provide. For instance, you could use your life experience to gain a better understanding of the physical sciences. If you study the life of microbiology, geology, and chemistry, you can gain a thorough grounding in the physical sciences that will be helpful in your future studies. On the other hand, if you choose to use your life experience in your future studies, you may use it as a springboard to explore more complicated areas of science, such as mathematics or physics.
There are a number of ways that you can enhance your life skills that will be helpful in college.
If you’ve already taken classes in college, take some of them over and consider using your notes to refresh your knowledge. Or perhaps you know someone who can speak to your needs and help you map out a course of action. Make sure that you bring samples of your work home with you to show your professors. This way, they can evaluate your progress and determine whether you need to further your studies.
You can use your life experiences as well as your college degree to help you find employment.
In fact, employers are looking for candidates who have relevant life experience, and not just those who went to four-year universities. They’re much more likely to hire a candidate with real-world skills who’s had some real life experience than they are a candidate who’s achieved an all-nighter in a classroom. So don’t pass up the chance to get a head start on your career by focusing on your life experiences.
So how can life experiences to help you get a better job?
It’s an excellent suggestion and one that’s sure to make you think twice about going straight into a classroom. After all, employers want to hire someone who has relevant life experience as well as a college degree, not someone who has a bunch of credits they don’t really know how to use. So take some time to explore your options, and you might be surprised at just how valuable your life experience can be.